Where To Find A Good Dissertation Acknowledgement Example

A dissertation acknowledgement is an important part of your doctorate paper. You should say thank you to everybody who somehow contributed to your paper, i.e. supported you financially and emotionally, helped you do your research, gather materials, and edit, or  simply inspired you to do the job. It may be quite troublesome to decide who should be acknowledged and how this information should be presented. If you have no idea how to compose a good acknowledgement page and the due date is close, consider looking through several examples of dissertations and see what other doctorate candidates wrote in this section. You will decide thus what style to pursue in your own piece of writing - businesslike or more personal, and what people should be thanked first of all. Great acknowledgement examples can be found in the following places:

  • College websites.
  • If you browse the school website, you are likely to come across good acknowledgement samples by the students of your college. Refer to them when writing your own piece. You may also visit the sites of other universities and colleges and look for the similar content. Sometimes, links to the websites with proper examples are provided there as well.

  • Custom writing companies.
  • Try to find a company that is specialized in dissertation writing. Look through available samples. They are used to attract new customers. You are likely to get a hold of several well-written acknowledgement examples. You may also hire a professional writer to prepare this “thank you” section for you, but hopefully, it is not your case, isn’t it?

  • Online databases.
  • Different types of research papers are stored nowadays on the Web. Look for the dissertation database that is considered to be credible. As a rule, these are the databases created by university libraries and uniting doctorate projects by students from different institutions. Find the needed pages in available samples and use them to your advantage.

  • College libraries and archives.
  • Go to your school library and explain what you need. You are likely to be offered two solutions. Firstly, make use of the publications in the field, namely, dissertation writing tutorials and textbooks. You will come across not only theoretical materials on academic writing, but brilliant examples of acknowledgements to refer to. Secondly, look through the doctorate papers that are commonly archived in school libraries. They were written by your predecessors some time ago. Borrow original ideas and apply their structure in your piece of writing.


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